Help a Vet by Donating your Suit to the “Interview Attire Workshop”


Dear friends,

Please join me in supporting St. Anthony’s efforts to help veterans re-enter the workforce by donating your new or gently used suits, sport coats, slacks, shirts, ties, belts and shoes.

I’m sure we all have some great clothes collecting dust in our closets, so here is a GREAT opportunity to put them to good use, while giving a little back to a community that really needs our help.

Donations can be made directly to St. Anthony’s however if the financial district is more convenient for you, we’ll be accepting donations here at Dunhill Partners West until October 29th (please just call in advance so we know to expect you).

Financial District Drop-Off:
Dunhill Partners West
388 Market St., Suite 850
San Francisco, CA 94111
Contact: Benjamin Osgood (415) 298-3331

Tenderloin Drop-Off:
St. Anthony Foundation
150 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102

• What: Honoring the service of homeless and low-income Veterans
• When: Friday, November 8th 10:00am – 12:00pm

• Where: St. Anthony Foundation 150 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco

This year St. Anthony’s is offering veterans who are ready to re-enter the workforce a workshop to help them prepare for interviewing and work.  They have and continue to collect new and gently used suits, sport coats, slacks, shirts, ties, belts and shoes. Each veteran (they expect about 50) will have an individual appointment and a personal consultant to assist them in putting their best foot forward. Personal consultants will be volunteers with knowledge of menswear attire and image.

They are partnering with the San Francisco Department of Veteran Affairs and the San Francisco VA Clinic. Planet Sox and Craigslist Foundation are corporate supporters.

Twenty percent of the guests who eat at St. Anthony’s Dining Room are veterans and they serve up to 3,000 free meals per day.

Your donations mean a new start for a veteran struggling to regain an economic foothold in our community and looking sharp is a confidence-builder when facing a challenging job market.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to pass along if appropriate.

Warm Regards,
Benjamin Osgood


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I represent commercial office tenants in the Bay Area and strive to leave behind a path of healthier, more energy-efficient offices in my wake. Benjamin on Google+

One thought on “Help a Vet by Donating your Suit to the “Interview Attire Workshop””

  1. Wow 3000 meals per day! What a win win for the vets and Dunhill. So nice to know you facilitate this. Earning your wings to heaven! XO

    Sent from my iPad


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