PHOTOS: Transbay Transit Center Hardhat Construction Tour

To call the new $4 billion Transbay Transit Center development anything less than spectacular would be a gross understatement. The sheer magnitude and scale of the project is staggering and the cutting edge building and engineering processes being implemented will make your head spin.

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) which oversees the project, generously offered to give the USGBC’s Northern California Chapter a behind the scenes construction tour, which followed an extremely informative powerpoint presentation.  Due to overwhelming demand, the tour was available only to current members of the USGBC’s Northern California Chapter and registration for the free event closed in less than one day. (Click here for information about joining our chapter.)

Sustainable design and construction is at the center of the project and comes with its own set of challenges due to the size of the development. As Brian Meinrath from environmental design consultant Atelier Ten explained, some laws didn’t even exist to allow some of the things they wanted to do, such as recapturing graywater from sinks to flush toilets. They worked with local government to create standards and permit its use.

The project is truly an engineering marvel requiring unprecedented levels of communication and cooperation amongst firms and agencies.

The project team is clearly world-class and the USGBC’s Northern California Chapter couldn’t be more thankful for their time and expertise. Thanks again!

TJPA: Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan
Transbay PMPC team: Joyce Oishi
Turner Construction: Jack Adams
Atelier Ten: Brian Meinrath
WSP: Wayne Gaw
Integrated Environmental Solutions: Mark Knipfer

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I represent commercial office tenants in the Bay Area and strive to leave behind a path of healthier, more energy-efficient offices in my wake. Benjamin on Google+

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